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cold weather used to not be so bad. now it sucks (for me).

it's 13 degrees fahrenheit outside. sitting here in my dimly lit bedroom, listening to some synthwave. caspro's 'earth town' album to be more specific. it's almost 430a and still have yet to eat dinner. less than 60 days left till spring begins. can't wait for the warmer weather. i used to tolerate the cold weather pretty well. kinda have to, as someone who's been commuting by motorcycle, in southern new york weather, for the past 14 years.

thing is, i don't tolerate the cold weather as well as i did. my brain tolerates it, but my body itself is a different story. why? i ended up having raynaud's phenomenon/syndrome/disease. why? my guess is all these years of riding a motorcycle in the winter while being rather under-geared. i never used heated gear, and my winter gear was essentially lightly insulated cold-weather gloves and the addition of a hoody underneath my jacket. i still don't use heated gear, but i started layering more appropriately. anyways, a few times every winter i'd get frostnip on my hands. my guess is that now my body prematurely goes into protection mode when my skin senses cold weather, and slows down circulation to my hands. oh well. maybe it's psychological and it'll diminish one day.

on the other hand, i tolerate new york's hot and humid summers really well. haven't used an air conditioner in about a decade. the thought of, "hey, it's pretty warm in my apartment," doesn't come to mind until room temperature is about 90 degrees fahrenheit. i also have no problem riding my motorcycle under the mid-day sun while wearing a non-ventilated leather jacket.

that said, i can't wait for the warmer weather to return.



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